Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Hypocriticalympics: the Best of the Worst in Justice and Freedom for None

Now competing in the big arena, it's the champs of the chumps, the golden boys of bullying, the brightest band of bums, terrifying teams in a tight competition for those coveted hypocritimedals!

Who gets the gold?

In the yellow stripes, Mayor Peter Kelly, for acquiescing to staff who forbid him from setting Brindi free, way back in October 2008? Way to be a leader! (Who elected that "staff"??)

Sporting plush office bottoms, the Halifax Regional Council, for freely settling lawsuits by the score, but since 2008 (coincidentally when it passed A300, the worst by-law ever) claiming it can't do a thing for Brindi because "it's before the courts!"? Yay, team! Keep those BUY-laws coming!

Gnashing its leashes, the SPCA, for claiming its self-inflating pound contract barred it from sending Brindi home on day one? (Shhh, don't let the donating public know that no private contract can trump our provincial mandate.) Lost your pound contract? Blame Brindi's owner, like you blame her for Brindi's pancreatitis and ruined teeth! That'll teach her to rescue a mutt you could have killed perfectly well in the Celtic Pets raid! 

In the blood-red sweats, HRM's fearsome Animal Services staff, for dumping the SPCA contract and having the audacity to cite a "lack of long-term services" as a reason, while steadfastly refusing to move Brindi to a long-term facility even after a year and a half as it destroys the impudent owner who wants her dog back? Hey, let's get some neighbors with aggressive dogs to testify against her, yeah!

The always silent, never-vigilant Nova Scotia Ministry of Justice, for allowing both HRM and the SPCA to become more and more abusive of the legal system as time goes on, systematically denying due process in full view of the world? Sure, it's not like it's a fundamental right or anything! (What the heck, guys, just help yourselves to the dogs and don't bother laying charges unless you don't get your way!)

The Nova Scotia Human Rights Commission, competing in the Special Hypocritalympics, turning a blind eye to the persecution of not one, but TWO single women who shamelessly love their dogs - an emigre architect willing to fix up our unwanted "heritage" homes and our unwanted dogs; the other, a caring mother robbed of her many Danes because she can't afford the ransom, whose kids can't grasp why the puppies are gone? 

On and off the bench, the integrity-challenged Nova Scotia legal profession, for taking turns screwing over the foreign broad till she's broke and forced to represent herself, and doing nothing at all for the other on the ruse that they have to wait until charges are laid?

Or, middle-of-the-road, the Nova Scotia media, doing the long jump to keep it all real... uh, superficial, so the reading public doesn't ever get the whole picture and maybe start demanding something be done?

The suspense is KILLING us (and our pets)!!